Wednesday, March 28, 2012

On Looking Outside A Window

The man with sandy hair and cheerful eyes, turns his back to me

'Come, why argue, debate and banter? Look at all there is to see!'

He grins and gazes out upon a majestic view

Seen through clear invisibility, and each time it is different.

Once we looked out and saw a blockage of red brick buildings.

Again we looked and saw instead skyscrapers sleek and tall.

Once more we gazed and saw green meadows stretching to

Mountains blue with flowers of all colors littering upon the green.

One last time we venutred to turn our eyes outside through that clear door.

Now the flowers and green are gone; summer and spring's no more.

Yea, in its stead we look to see, winter's hand so strong.

The field is white with hints of black, the mountains are grey and long.

One lone wolf wanders by, a lonesome howl he cries.

One lone falcon flies by, a freezing chill he sighs.

Yet I am safe and warm, inside looking out. The Man, he laughs;

'Come love,' he said. 'We can look and sigh or marvel upon the beauty

Some Being set upon this earth. Come my dear, I love you.' He took my hand

And led me away, and I; my heart is spent. Yet not in vain.

I have given it away to him I love and we can gaze together.

On Looking Outside A Window (C) Elizabeth Wherry 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Beauty, Truth and Lies

You have something to hide behind

A mask none can pierce thorough

A tale beyond what anyone knows

A secret unbound by lust.

Your mind is a nightmare that

Most, if not all would avoid

Insanity blinds on the brink

The weakest part of you.

Madness breeds a twist upon

What you claim is reality. And

Sometimes I just have to wonder

Whether you even know what reality

Actually is. You live inside

A fantasy, a deluded fairytale.

Normality sees a prince riding up

On a white horse to sweep away

A princess in jewels; to save her life.

You? You see a princess, no a

Beggar! Ride up on a grey mule.

And why? To rescue not the knight

In-armour-shining. No, to save

The flaming, fuming dragon. What

Happened to the beauty and love we

Came to know? Now the classic takes

The evil to make it holy. And such

Is deigned to be good. And beautiful.

Such lies! Beauty is not the knight

Presenting the damsel with a black rotten rose.

Beauty is when the knight rescues the

Princess from the evil, firey worm.

Beauty is when the man-played-hero

Gives the lady a pure white rose.

Beauty is seeing the dragon defeated;

The hag put back in place.

Beauty will come when the innocent love

Of simple classic truth comes back

To fight the lies attempting to pass as

Good. When love is love and no longer

Lustful hate. When all the lies

Can go to hell and hate be damned.

When we can look and see truth and beauty

Before our eyes without a mask to hide

Behind. When all the lies can go to hell. Then,

We can see beauty and truth. And know it

To be good. The you may, perhaps begin to

Comprehend the truth that is reality.

Beauty, Truth and Lies. (C) Elizabeth Wherry, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

There's a twinkle in your eyes with

 A look that bespeaks madness and of

 A brilliance unmatched by any other.

 Crazy, yet so beautiful.

 There's a sound in your voice

... As if you are plotting

 A prank filled with laughter.

 Something about your body

 Says "I am up to fun." And

 Your posture warns, "watch out

 For that one." For me this keeps
My laughter going, makes my

 Heart beat fast. Maybe I'm not

 In love with you, but it will be hard

 Not to fall. Since every laugh and smile

 Makes my life somehow better. I am

 Hard-pressed not to deign you

 Highest in my sphere.

 But even if I manage to keep my heart

 As mine. I'll stay as close as you'll

 Allow. And count your words as mine.

 A nameless radom creation. (C) Elizabeth Wherry, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Whenever the urge strikes me, I am notorious for writing poetry. Not very good poetry half the time, but poetry all the same. Here is something I wrote a while back, and while it's not great, it's decent.

Too true to know
Too true to follow
Farther than I can ever comprehend
I see but a glimpse
And am awed by the silver
Of a snatch of beauty, incomprehensible
I yearn to touch, to feel, to see
You who are above all things
Wond'rous You are and I cannot see You yet
But somehow the glimpses
Through this life dark and drear
Send a sense of purpose
Through each smile, laugh and sigh
Through rain and sunshine, love and life
I can find a glimpse, a snatch
Of Your beauty and your love
And through these sighs of life I find
A reason to wait and Hope,
To see You and love You, face to face
In eternity.

When Love Finds Me

I'm waiting. Hopefully, perhaps a bit impatiently, but still waiting. 'What are you waiting for, and Who?' you ask. I answer with a smile on my lips and a song in my heart. I'm waiting for love, I await my Prince Charming.
I firmly believe that there is true romance still in our world today, and chivalry is still alive too. I am living in what some might call an ideal world, a fantasy. But my fantasy is hinged to real life.
'What is your fantasy world like? What is it like living in a fairy tale? What do you see when you look into your heart?' I see love.
I am loved. Already. My Prince Charming has not come yet, but I am still loved by someone better…my Maker and Redeemer. There is a future for me, with a Prince Charming and love. But that love will be the fulfillment of my Lover's promise now, 'I will never forget you.' When my knight-in-shining-armor comes, he will be any earthly fulfillment of my God's promise.
People tell me 'there is no such thing, no such person, as a knight, and as a Prince nowdays, why bother waiting. Why do you wait for what will never come?' Because I hope. I have met Prince Charmings and knights-in-shining-armor, and I have seen them sweep a Princess, a damsel-in-distress, off her feet into love. They have been friends of mine, true Princes and true Princesses, and their joy is real. They hoped, they waited, and love found them.
Love does not come swiftly, but it does come softly. Patience builds the heart, prepares it, nurtures it, so that when it is time, it is the best it can be.
The Prince destined for me will be handsome, charming and polite. He will be funny, a lover of life and a learner. In short, he will be perfect. Why should I set my eyes on an impossible goal? The perfect man is unachievable, after all, he will be human. So why should I wait for something that will never come?
Because I believe that the Lord has someone picked out for me, me alone, and when he comes, he will be what fills the gap in my heart and shows me the way to heaven. He won't be perfect, but he will be perfect for me.
Some of you may have read The Fairy Tales retold series by Regina Doman. If you haven't, read them, they are great. This story is inspired by Waking Rose, the 3rd in the series. Enjoy.